Every child will have tasks to do out of school hours that will involve varying degrees of adult involvement.
Reading with your child is a requirement across the school starting in Nursery. You will be required to follow and support each class’ reading program put in place by each teacher. Making sure reading is fun and relaxing is still very important and we encourage you to get involved in your children’s reading even when they are fluent. Continue to enjoy and discuss books together; share a bed time story, read the newspaper or visit the library. If your child sees you taking pleasure from reading and valuing reading they are more likely to pick up a book themselves!
Year 1 and 2 are set a piece of Maths homework each week. Year 3 and 4 children are set a piece of Maths and Literacy homework each week. Year 5 children are set three pieces of homework each week and in Year 6 children are set a piece of homework each night. Below and on the Year 5 and Year 6 class pages are some useful documents to aid with your children’s Maths homework.
Spellings are set weekly from Year 1 and children need to be tested on them regularly throughout the week ready for their spellings tests! Similarly times tables should be practised each day so that by Year 3 they know all their times tables fluently up to 12 x 12.
Information about how St Anthony’s develops the children’s literacy skills and how we expect parents to help.