In 2015 Pope Francis wrote his encyclical letter addressed to people all over the world. The Laudato Si’ is considered part of the Catholic Social Teaching tradition. Although there are have been many previous statements by Popes and Bishops on the question of our place in creation, this was the first encyclical in the Catholic Church to address the complex social and ecological crisis.
Within this letter Pope Francis calls us to think about how we care for our common home and how this is the responsibility of every person living on this planet.
We are called to make urgent changes to our lifestyles and how we consume energy in order to protect the planned which was created for us by God. It is one of the greatest gifts that we have been given and we all need to take on the role of caring for it. Within Pope Francis’ letter he asks us to make the necessary changes to help with pollution, climate change, water, loss of habitats and many of the other detrimental environmental changes that are happening.
As a school we have been working hard to think about changes that we can make. We have an eco-club who highlight the need for making good choices, such as switching lights off, turning the taps off and recycling around the school.
As a school, our families have donated plants to the school and our Year 5 children have planted these in our playground planters. We have also scattered the seeds that were sent to us for the King’s Coronation.