Collective Worship

What does Collective Worship look like at St Anthony’s?

Collective worship happens every day at 1:15pm throughout our school.

In Reception the class teacher will lead this and there is a theme for each week. Please see the documents below.

In Key Stage One the class teacher will usually lead this and support the children in helping.

In Key Stage Two the children take on more of an independent role within collective worship; they will be given different themes or Bible passages and then plan their own worship.

There are also times where we have whole school or key stage assemblies where we come together as a large group to worship.

Each class has a prayer table within their classroom where their candle is for the children to focus on during their collective worships. Classes have prayer books that the children have written their own prayers in, these may be read at different times throughout the day.

Each class has a display above their prayer table that links with the learning that the children are completing at the time. This can again help the children as a focus for their collective worships.

What experiences of prayer and worship will my child have at St Anthony’s?

As Catholics, we are blessed with a rich tradition. This is something that we want all of our pupils to experience, therefore we try and have a wide and enriching variety of prayer and worship experiences. Some examples of the types of worship that the children will experience can be found below.

Type of worship Opportunity
IndividualSilent reflection
Visit to the Chapel
Visit our Prayer Garden
Spontaneous Prayer
ClassDaily Collective Worship (teacher and pupil-led)
Class Mass in school.
Class Mass at Holy Rood Church
Whole School/Key StageKey Stage Mass help in School
Whole School or Key Stage assemblies.
Specific Year Group ExperiencesWelcome assemblies and Mass
First Holy Communion Mass for Year 3 and 4
Lunchtime Prayer group for Key Stage 2
Easter Play
Nativity Play
Leavers Mass