Year 6

Year Six Lisbon is taught by John McGinn and Year Six Padua is taught by Sarah McCabe. Their TA is Fatim Dossa. The Year Six classrooms are upstairs in the St Francis building and they share the back playground with the rest of KS2.

Weekly Class Updates

WFC- Black History Month

In October both Year 6 classes were lucky enough to visit Watford Football Club to learn about Black history Month. The children learnt about some important figures within the football community and they learnt about the importance of diversity and inclusion. It was a fantastic morning where the children have been praised for the behaviour and engagement from the coaches at Watford. Well done Year 6!

National Story Telling Week

We have been celebrating National Story Telling week as a school and both Year 6 classes visited Nursery to read to them. Year 6 Lisbon brought in their favourite story to read to the Nursery children and Year 6 Padua read Nursery’s favourite stories to them. It was so lovely to see how the older children were helping the younger children with their learning; helping them to count the animals on a page, changing their voices to make the stories exciting and even helping to read stories in their home language. It was a really lovely morning.

Bletchley Park

In December, Year 6 went on a school trip to Bletchley Park. Whilst we were there we had a guided tour where we learnt more about what the day to day activities would have been for the people who were working there. We also took part in a code breaking activity where we had to find out where the lost enigma machine was. The children thoroughly enjoyed their day at Bletchley.

Magistrates visit

In November, a local magistrate led a workshop with both Year 6 classes on the topic of the English judicial system where the courts and the rule of law were discussed. The children also did some role-play on the subject of a pretend case and trial. Our visitor, Karen, was really impressed with the children’s questions and attitude.

Remembrance Day

We have been learning about how there are many people who work to look after and protect us, our families, our communities, and our country.  We remember them in November, and we remember everyone in Heaven.  We worked with Nursery to help them make their own poppies.


Year 5 and 6 had the opportunity to attend a production of ‘Pinocchio’ at St. Michael’s and All Angels Church.  The cast members were students who had travelled all the way from Australia and were touring around London.  The children had a brilliant time and even took part in a conga line at the end!

Year 6 Retreat Day to Holy Rood

In September both Year 6 classes attended a retreat day at Holy Rood Church. This was based on leadership and what leadership means to us. The children discussed some of the Catholic Social Teachings, such as, Solidarity and Peace, Human Dignity and Community and Participation. The children thought about what each one of these means for them and how we can show these in our everyday lives. The children also attended midday Mass with Father Tim.

Isle of Wight Trip

In June Year 6 went on their residential trip to the Isle of Wight. The children had an amazing time experiencing different things. From going on a ferry to fossil hunting o the beach to riding different rides at a theme park and visiting Queen Victoria’s Summer House- Osbourne House. The children all behaved impeccably and made memories that we are sure will last a lifetime. On our last night we came together as a year group and as a staff and had a mass overlooking the sea.