Year Two Lisbon is taught by Bella Fuller, her TA is Dominika McKeown . Year Two Padua is taught by Laura Sugrue and Eleay Burke, their TA is Ashleen Keyes. The Year Two classrooms are in the main building and they have their own playground next to the St Francis Building.
Weekly Class Updates
Our Visit to the Pantomime
On Tuesday 17th December, Year 2 went to see ‘Aladdin’ at Watford Palace Theatre. We had a great time joining in with the pantomime and one lucky child even got to join the cast on stage!
Science Wormery
As part of our ‘Microhabitats’ topic in Science, Year 2 have made wormeries. We laid layers of soil and sand for our worms to burrow in. We are using our Super Science Skill of observing over time to see what our worms get up to over the next few weeks.
Advent Retreat Day
To introduce the liturgical season of Advent Year 2 had and Advent retreat day. The children worked in pairs and looked at different aspects of the Nativity story using quotes from scripture and Christmas Carols. Their work has become our class Advent calendar which we will use to reveal a different part of the story each day throughout Advent.
St Francis Feast Day
To celebrate St Francis’ Feast Day on the 4th October, Year 2 Padua and Lisbon dressed up as their favourite animal. We learnt all about the life of St Francis.
As part of our ‘Signs and Symbols’ topic in RE, Year 2 Lisbon had a mock Baptism ceremony where we looked at all the different symbols associated with the sacrament.
Roald Dahl Museum
On Thursday 27th June, Year 2 visited the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre. We had a great time learning about the life of Roald Dahl. We particularly enjoyed dressing up and creating our own Roald Dahl inspired characters.
On Friday 21st June, Year 2 were lucky enough to have Herts Music Service come in to do a Music lesson. We learnt to clap in a rhythm to rhymes such as ‘a sailor went to sea sea sea’, and discussed the meaning of beat and rhythm.
Minibeast hunt
As part of our Living Things and their Habitats topic in Science, Year 2 have been learning about microhabitats. We discussed the different microhabitats in our school and went on a hunt to see the different types of minibeasts we could find there!
Forest School
Y2 have really enjoyed their forest school sessions so far. There were many children who really enjoyed moving around the site together on a minibeast hunt using the bug pots, magnifiers and binoculars to observe closely. We also had some creative individuals who used the palm drills to drill pieces of Elder to thread onto cord and make necklaces. This took great concentration, patience and resilience as it was not easy, but they were very proud of the results. Some children chose to embrace the mud. They mixed up some mud paint and used it to create Bogolan cloth using symbols to represent things about themselves or their families. In the morning group, there were also some busy learning how to construct dens using the ropes and tarps. Finally we had some children who very kindly used the litter pickers to help remove the litter blown onto the field by the wind.
Knebworth House
On Monday 18th March, Year 2 visited Knebworth House to complete their Tudor Trail! We had lots of fun learning Tudor dancing, writing and dressing up in Tudor clothes. We then explored the grounds where Queen Elizabeth I lived and learned all about Tudor food.
As part of our Money topic in Maths. Year 2 had a shop where they could use the correct amount of coins to buy different items.
Polar Express Day
As part of our English work, Year 2 wrote persuasive letters to have their own Polar Express day. They wrote some descriptive writing about hot chocolate, made their own gingerbread houses and drank some delicious hot chocolate.
Our Nativity
Key Stage One all took part in a Nativity performance called ‘The Angel that nearly missed it all’ They were fantastic! We are very proud of all of them.
Year 2 Advent Retreat Day
On Thursday 30th November 2023 both Year 2 classes took part in an Advent Retreat Day. The children were each given a part of the Nativity story and had to retell it using scripture and traditional Carols. Each class produced their own Advent calendar from artwork depicting the key parts of the story. We also wrote prayer dedciations to the people that help us that we will say during the Advent period.
St Francis’ Feast Day
Wednesday 4th October was St Francis of Assisi’s feast day. As he is our patron saint Year 2 came to school dressed as animals. They then took part in St Francis themed activities.
Signs and Symbols for RE
As part of our ‘Signs and Symbols’ topic in RE, Year 2 Lisbon had a mock Baptism ceremony where we looked at all the different symbols associated with the sacrament.
Explore and Draw
As part of our ‘Explore and Draw’ topic, Year 2 made patterns out of natural materials inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.