
All the children in the school, including the Nursery children, wear the school uniform. This uniform has been designed to keep costs to the minimum, whilst maintaining high standards of dress. 

Trainers are required for outside P.E lessons. Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery may be worn.

Children in Y3 – Y6 may purchase outdoor winter, light grey P.E. uniform joggers. 

Year  6 children will also require a swimsuit and towel for swimming lessons, for safety reasons girls must wear a one-piece costume and boys require close fitting trunks (not baggy shorts).

You can purchase sweatshirts, polo shirts, PE tops and PE shorts, socks, PE bags, plimsolls and book bags online from https://www.essentialschoolwear.com/

All items of clothing must be marked with the child’s name. The school accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any lost clothing.