“The family is alive if it is united in prayer”.– Pope Francis
St. Anthony’s School is a community of families. We recognise that the school’s role within its community does not end at home time. Prayer is a way that home and school can unite as a Catholic community.
This section of our website is devoted to providing ideas and suggestions for family prayer at home.
‘My daughter always shows us the prayers that she says at school with Miss Katy’- Parent voice.
Praying with your child in KS1
Each child in KS1 are given the opportunity to take our ‘Prayer Bear’ home for the night. Inside the bag are ideas and items to help you to pray with your child.
Following Prayer Bears visit perhaps your child could choose one of their own toys to be their toy to pray with!
Teaching your children prayers.
It is lovely to teach the children traditional prayers and at St. Anthony’s we teach the children different prayers at different stages of their school life.
Please find below a plan used by our staff for prayers said by the children in our different year groups. We begin in Nursery by teaching the children the Sign of the Cross and work through to Year 6 where children learn prayers like the Anima Christi.
We hope you find this useful.
‘My daughter encourages us as a family to say a prayer before we have our dinner’- Parent Voice.