
The teaching and learning of Science at St Anthony’s aims to provide an engaging curriculum that inspires children, developing their natural curiosities as young learners.

Our school’s Science scheme follows the National Curriculum and in Key Stage 1 is based around the topics of ‘Plants’, ‘Animals, including humans’, ‘Everyday materials’, ‘Seasonal changes’ and ‘Living things and their habitats’.

The children in KS2 study the topics of ‘Plants’, ‘Animals, including humans’, ‘Rocks’, ‘Light’, ‘Forces and Magnets’, ‘Living things and their habitats’, ‘States of Matter’, ‘Sound’, ‘Electricity’, ‘Properties and Changes of Materials’, ‘Earth and Space’ and ‘Evolution and Inheritance’.

We aim to strengthen and develop children’s Scientific knowledge and the ability to work well Scientifically, with creativity and resilience. Within each topic of learning the curriculum provides opportunities for children to develop their working scientifically skills. Such as, asking relevant questions, setting up practical enquires and fair tests, making careful observations and measurements, choosing how to record information, explain their results using scientific language to draw conclusions and carrying out research using secondary sources to find answers to questions.   

Science is often taught in a cross curricular way, enabling children to make wider links with other areas of learning. The curriculum is taught both inside and outside the classroom, with children learning how to take care of the environment and the wider world. Throughout their school journey, the children learn about a range of Scientists, including Mary Anning, Charles Macintosh, Edward Jenner, Mae Jemison, Isaac Newton and Galileo. A range of enrichment opportunities enable children to develop their knowledge and understanding. These include visiting Boxmoor Park in the EYFS to support their learning about minibeasts, Willows Farm in Year 1 to support the topic ‘Animals including humans’, visiting Hudnall Park in Year 3 when learning about rocks, fossils and soils and The Sea Life Aquarium in Year 6.

We intend to promote the knowledge and understanding of how Science is used in the wider world to equip children with the skills to become lifelong learners.

Curriculum and Skills in Science

Vocabulary in Science

Science in Nursery

Nursery explored the changing seasons by going on a leave hunt, sorting clothing and exploring different autumn colours, animals and plants.#

Nursery dived down under the sea and explored all the different creatures you can find there! They also experimented with sinking and floating with lots of different materials.

Science in Reception

During Science week we were learning about shadows. The children really enjoyed making their own shadow puppets and seeing the shadows that they could create on the wall behind.

Science in Year 4

In Year 4 we have been learning how to conduct different experiments. We have been learning about how to create a fair test and about what our different variables would be.

Can Bicarbonate of Soda and Vinegar blow up a balloon?

Can citrus fruit light a light bulb?

The Digestive System

Whilst learning about the different organs involved in the digestive system and their role in digestion, the children created their own digestive system using different materials.